
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This is going to be a word vomit blog. The Lord's been teaching me so much about myself lately, about who I am in Him, and about where I'm being called…

His timing is perfect, His ways are glorious and mysterious, His paths for us are straight (even though in our eyes they may seem a little curvy– they're not.)

God's calling me into worship… in what way, I have no idea.. But to be real with you for a few minutes– I'm not always the most confident person. I doubt the gifts God's given me a ton, and I doubt His ability in me… I have struggled in the past with losing myself to fully invite the Spirit in… but that's all being redeemed.. and restored.. and He's taking the reigns. 

A few weeks ago I got to lead 800 Thai people into the presence of the Lord. A few weeks ago I walked onto a stage (as i have many many times) but for the first time in my life lost myself completely for the Lord to work through me, for the Lord to use me, for the Lord to fill every inch of air around me. For the first time, I felt the Lord's presence fall while I led worship. For the first time, I was 110% confident in the gifts He's given me, and in submitting to Him FULLY my future.

That night… 30 people gave their lives to Jesus.

Another thing the Lord's been putting on my heart (A wholeeeeeeeeeeeeee lot.. daily.) Is something that I'm finding so much passion in. The Lord's calling me in my life to focus on women and girls. To focus on loving them and letting them know how much they are loved. To empower them and help them find who they are in JESUS and nothing else. To bring confidence and hope to them, despite where they've been. He's given me a ton of experience in struggling to find who I am in HIM over who I am according to the worlds standards.. and I'm being trained by Him to show others the truth that I am finding every day. I'm not sure how this is going to be donw.. whether its through music, or through outreaches, or whatever.. Its in His hands and I'm so excited about it. I just wanna show them how beautiful they are.

An experience that the Lord gave me to confirm yet again that this is where I'm called happened last week when I got to teach a class of 14 and 15 year old girls. I was supposed to teach english, but God stepped in. I won't go into a ton of detail, but we got deep. To explain a little bit of missionary terms– Declarations are truths yelled out at the top of your lungs declaring who you are in the Lord, combating the lies in your head. These are often done while standing on chairs.. or as my team and i like to do it; under the stars in the middle of a field. Anther side note: God blessed me in this class woth a girl who spoke rather good english, she interpreted inheritance for the class as we laid on our faces.

Facebook Post from that day:

"My class today… Amazing group of 14 and 15 year old girls. Declarations, Learning the Gospel, laying on our faces listening to "inheritance", singing of how wonderful Gods love is. The best part was when I asked what they learned today, they all grouped together and said, "I know God love me, I know He say I beautiful" 🙂 #allicanaskfor #pourout"

In a week I will be in Phuket. In a week I will walk into a place where a girls beauty is found only in how much they are wanted, in how much people will pay for her. They will be told multiple times a night that they're not worth their price. They are humiliated and treated like puppets. The red light district isn't a place where the truth is known… In a week I get to go show women and girls their TRUE worth, and love them with a love they've never known.

And finally, Here is a link to Inheritance. (copy and paste it to your browser!) I highly reccommend laying on your face and soaking it all up. You are SO loved.. God is SO good.

4 responses to “Because He Loves Us.. Because He Loves Us.. Because He Loves Us…”

  1. love this, riely. you look more alive than i have ever seen you – especially on that stage. the lord is indeed doing a good work in you and through you and it’s all coming from a place of understanding who you are in Him. so proud of how you continue to dive into all of the good (hard) stuff.

    love you!

  2. So good Riley. Continue to allow God to work through you. The gifts that God has given you is evident in your life. So continue to develop them. Proud you sister. You da Bomb!

  3. Hi my beautiful blessed and anointed grand daughter,
    How wonderful it is to hear how the Holy Spirit is moving.
    I love the way us express your daily walk. Isn’t it great how The Lord uses you each day differently? If we stay totally surrendered to Him we can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. I Pray the blood of Jesus over you and favor in everthing you do. I bind all enemy activities in the name of Jesus. Stay focused and committed
    to the soul saving business for Christ. Pslam 91 say it all…..I love you Riely, Gramma xoxo

  4. I can just see you on that stage radiating the love and power of Jesus to transform lives, dear one! God is using you in such powerful ways, and it shows in all you are doing!! I get goose bumps just thinking of God using you with women being harmed by human trafficking. How they need the freedom Jesus brings! Miss you so much! Love – Pastor MA